We welcome all sinners to worship with us on Sunday morning at 9AM. We’re a small group at Faith, so don’t be surprised if someone says hi to you, most likely it will be Bob who loves to open the front door and great people as they come in. Inside to the left you’ll find someone handing out bulletins with the outline of the service and they’ll even open the door to the sanctuary for you. Worship is a traditional style service which follows a section from the front of the red or blue hymnal that you’ll find in the pew, along with page numbers in the bulletin and on the board at the front of the church. Normally we use the red hymnal, Pastor is really good about announcing what page we’re on and will announce if we’re using the blue hymnal on a particular day.
It’s really just a style of praising God and it’s no better or worse then any other style. Our style includes singing hymns while being led by an organ, reciting versus and prayers. During some portions we stand, others we sit, it’s easy to get the hang of, just watch what everyone else is doing. If you don’t feel comfortable standing, that’s fine, feel free to sit, you wont be alone.
Jesus didn’t care what his followers wore and neither do we, so you’ll find people wearing everything from shorts and a t-shirt to a suit. All we care is that you came so we can partake in worship together as a family of believers.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Children are welcome and appreciated to join us in worship, we enjoy hearing them during the service because we know they are the future disciples, which will continue to spread the word of God. We also understand that kids get bored or cry and need a quiet place so there’s a room at the back of the sanctuary which says “Nursery” on the door that is full of toys and a rocking chair.
There’s a lot which goes into explaining God’s teachings and how we adhere to them, you can find a full write-up on the WELS What We Believe website. We also have adult classes to walk through God’s teachings and explain what they mean but at a high level we believe the following.
The Bible is the true word of God. It is inspired by the Holy Spirit. This means that God breathed into the writers the exact thoughts and words they were to write. As a result every statement in the Bible is the truth. One part of the Bible explains another part. It is the only guideline for the faith and life of Christians. We are to read and study it diligently. It clearly teaches all we need to know in order to obtain our eternal salvation.
There is only one true God. This God is invisible, holy, eternal, and has all power and wisdom. In the Bible God reveals himself as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is why he is called “Triune.” These three persons in one God are all God. They are equal in power, glory, and in every other quality. To deny or ignore one person is to deny all of them. It is God who created, redeemed, and sanctified us.
In the beginning of time God created heaven and earth and all creatures. He did this in six days. He spoke his almighty word to create all things. He made everything out of nothing. But man and woman are God’s special creation.
God wrote his law in people’s hearts at creation. The human conscience bears witness to that law. The knowledge of the law was blurred in people’s hearts by sin. God repeated his law in the Ten Commandments. God’s law demands obedience in our thoughts, speech, and actions. It condemns all who sin. Therefore no one can be saved by keeping the law. God’s law serves to show us our sins, to warn us of God’s anger against sin, and to guide us in our Christian life.
Adam and Eve lost the image of God when they gave in to the temptation of Satan and disobeyed God’s command. This brought on them the judgment of God. Since that time all people are conceived and born in sin, desire to do what is evil, and are dead spiritually. Therefore, we are unable to reconcile ourselves to God by our own efforts and deeds.
Jesus Christ is the Savior of everyone. He is the eternal Son of God, equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit. He is also the son of the Virgin Mary. He became man to redeem all people. Taking our place, he lived a perfect life keeping the law of God for us. He also died as our innocent substitute on the cross to pay a price sufficient for everyone’s sin. After rising from the dead, Jesus ascended into heaven. On the Last Day he will judge all the people who are still living and those whom he will raise from the dead.
Faith is a repentant sinner’s acceptance of Jesus Christ as his only Savior and full trust in his worthiness for forgiveness of sins and salvation. Such faith is not a personal achievement or an act of human worthiness. The Holy Spirit creates faith. Whoever remains in this faith to the end of life will be saved eternally. Salvation is not possible without faith.
Holy Communion is a holy act instituted by Christ. Together with bread and wine we receive Jesus’ true body and blood. In this special meal Jesus gives the forgiveness of sins, strengthens our faith, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe. Only people who repent of their sins and receive proper instruction in the Christian faith should be admitted to this sacrament.
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